Baris Arch

Hà Spa | Being well at home

Hà Spa | Being well at home

Having a private spa room at home which is designed "tailor-made" for the homeowner's needs is not only a trend but also a worthy investment.

  • Địa điểm: Ho Chi Minh City
  • Năm: 2023

Hà Spa is a project we will implement in 2023, in the era of development of the well-being design trend, now Baris Arch shares with you a typical project of this spirit. Hà Spa is designed in neutral colors, a harmony of wooden materials and soft yellow light, bringing a feeling of relaxation to the mind. Besides the streamlined interior and functional storage shelves, the highlight of this home spa room is the fresh tropical-style wall paintings. The vibrant green color of the paintings and leaf motifs create a feeling of closeness to nature - one of the timeless trends in the interior industry.

Having a private spa room at home which is designed "tailor-made" for the homeowner's needs is not only a trend but also a worthy investment, with enough space and suitable functions, the home spa is where family members spend time for themselves, taking care of their own physical and mental health.









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